Are you scared of dying? Are you afraid of death? Do you have faith and assurance in your salvation? If I had answered these questions earlier today, I would have said, “Yeah, I’m OK.“
I just read “90 Minutes in Heaven” and I am no longer satisfied with being mediocre with my salvation. I had doubt, skepticism, even fear about death. I was afraid and unwilling to admit this truth.
I went to the Christian bookstore this morning, mostly out of boredom and needing to spend time in the company of a good book. I hadn’t bought any books for a while; I am trying to stick with a budget and away from frivolous spending. Kevin enjoys team-roping and I have books - I love my marriage!
I left the house this morning with cash in my pocket, budget in mind, and seeking direction from God in my heart. This was going to be a good day. And a good day it was: 31 books, including “90 Minutes In Heaven” by Don Piper, for less than $40. Not bad, not bad at all.
I didn’t think much about this book except I like the cover design; it said, “A True Story of Death and Life” and it sounded interesting. While driving home, I was thinking about lunch - imagine that! - and Mallory Ervin in the Miss America Pageant. I remember watching her sing during the talent portion and a bubble appearing on the screen saying she sky-dived from 15,000 feet. I also remember watching another television program where a couple went bungee-jumping together. I asked Kevin, “Would you do something like that?” And his response surprised me, “Yeah, probably.”
They live their life with no fear, absolute trust in Our Heavenly Father. I'm not saying I would jump (literally!) at the opportunity to skydive or bungee-jump, but why not? What do I have to lose? Perhaps I should live my life more vividly, without hesitation, and open to experiences in extreme situations. Maybe I should widen my comfort zone. Live my life without regrets. What would that be like? I'm honestly not sure.
“90 Minutes In Heaven” recounts Don Piper’s extraordinary experience of dying in a car accident, visiting heaven, and waking up in ICU at a hospital in Houston. His journey is remarkable, often hard to imagine, but encouraging to all believers. I don't want to play down the part of him dying and going to heaven and returning back to earth, but I believe God is capable of anything and saying this isn't possible is putting God in a box - and God is without limits. And, I'm a huge fan of "The Shack" and would totally be up to camping in the mountains and go fishing with Jesus dressed in carpenter pants and a plaid shirt. Or eat pancakes made by God - I wonder if He uses cow's milk or soymilk?!?!?!
OK, back to "90 Minutes in Heaven"
Don Piper, an ordained Baptist preacher from South Texas, was involved in a car accident involving an eighteen-wheeler truck and a narrow bridge across Lake Livingston, near Houston. The truck crossed the center line and hit Piper head-on, smashing his small car between the bridge railing and the truck‘s cab. Medical personnel arrived shortly after the accident and Piper, without a pulse, was pronounced dead.
A couple, acquaintances of Piper, was driving along the same roadway when they came upon the stopped traffic, caused by Piper’s accident. The man, also a preacher, went to paramedics and asked to help. While his wife shared her coffee with another accident victim, the man went to Piper’s car, crawled through deformed steel and shattered glass and under a tarp that shielded Piper’s body to pray. Prayer, what an amazing gift to give and receive.
…the biggest miracle: People prayed and God honored their prayers.
Piper offers so many life-lessons, including the need to surrender pride and allow others to offer their gifts of love during our time of deepest desperation. And, ultimately, to be still and hear the whispers of God.
I knew how to give generously to others, but pride wouldn’t let me receive others’ generosity…I’m eternally grateful for that lesson of allowing people to meet my needs. I’m also grateful because that lesson was learned in a hospital bed when I was helpless…to trust that God knew what he was doing through all of this…God forced me to be still…The longer I lay immobile, the more open I became to God’s quietness and to inner silence.
My prayer life isn’t too much to brag about, until now. However, I’m convinced that great changes are coming with my newfound perspective. I had fallen into the oh-pitiful-me syndrome of going to God AFTER all my efforts had failed. Of course, that never works how I'd like! It’s the same story, all over again: Surrender control. Let go and let God.
Besides my own miraculous experience, four things stand out from my heavenly journey. First, I’m thoroughly convinced that God answers prayer…second, I have an unquestionable belief that God still is in the miracle business…third, I want as many people as possible to go to heaven…and finally, I don’t want to see others die without Jesus Christ.
Lord, please grant me the ability to be your prayer warrior and give me the heart of a servant. I want to do Your will. I expect to witness Your miracles in the lives of those around me and give You all the glory and praise. I want to be a vessel that leads others to You, I want everyone to experience this joy and peace that You so freely give to all Your children. Your grace is truly amazing, please teach me how to share it more freely.
…God brings people into my life who need me or need to hear my message, giving me the opportunity to touch their lives.
What is my purpose in life? What message does God want me to share?
The restlessness that I felt earlier today has been erased by God’s grace and reassurance and replaced with genuine peace resting in my heart. After reading these 205 pages, I am convinced that my faith, my trust, and all my hope rests firmly on my Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Praise be to God!
*I highly recommend and encourage you to visit Don Piper's website,, or, to learn more about his heavenly experience, remarkable recovery, and his truly amazing testimony to faith. I can only hope, and pray, that we all can experience true joy in our pilgrimage to know God deeper, and more fully while on Earth. But I am definitely looking forward to the day that I arrive at my permanent dwelling place with loved ones and singing hymns of praise with Jesus!