Thursday, February 18, 2010

Book #13: How Women Help Men Find God

I'm on a reading rampage - book #13: "How Women Help Men Find God" is complete.

This book is dedicated to three women:
She who prays for a man but sees no change; she whose son has abandoned the faith; and she who searches for a Christian mate but finds none. THERE IS HOPE.

Let me preface this post with this: I think there are good things, great things, and not-so-great things in this book. But I bought it for two reasons, I love the title and I want to know how to help men find God. Afterall, I have several men in my life that I continuously pray will accept, deepen, and strengthen their relationship with God. It's a prayer of mine, but not a priority of theirs. But I have hope. That's enough for me.

To me, this book is an instructional manual to get males in the pews. I'm sure you've heard it before, "A man wants to be a man.....they are adventurous and take and lace in the church drive men crazy.....he'll lose Man Points if he hold hands with strangers during prayer.....a nagging wife pushes the husband over the edge."

Blah.....blah.....blah. I hope (and pray!) that I do not cause my husband to be anything except himself. He can proudly carry his "Man Card," I certainly don't want it - I'm perfectly happy with my Woman Card!!!!!! And Lord, if I nag, please stop me.

Certain requests of my husband have been silenced - truly, it's not worth the discussion - but my prayers to God are loud and clear - - - remember, I have hope!

So what did I learn about bringing men closer to God? These three things:
  1. Let go. - God, I acknowledge you are all powerful, all knowing, and all I need. I step aside to allow the Holy Spirit to work in me, through me, and with me to fulfill your purpose with all the men in my life. Not my will, but thine.
  2. Keep an open mind. - I am willing to accept what God provides.
  3. Commit. - I will allow God to use me in whatever way possible in order to fulfill His purpose, for His glory and praise.
This book has been an excellent source of suggestion for teaching and engaging boys. I'll use many of these tactics in my future classroom, because I think it's important to engage ALL students, not just the participatory ones. It's not my favorite book, but I enjoyed it. Afterall, I did read it in less than 12 hours!

Peace and love......and women, keep praying for your men,

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