During my conference period at school today, I finished "Think Like Jesus - Make the Right Decision Every Time" by George Barna. It's an interesting, thought-provoking read that I enjoyed; on Shelfari I rated it with four stars.
I like the decision-making suggestions that are Scripture-based, alas the foundation of a Christian livelihood, but my natural tendancy is to question everything I read! Remember, I recently read Borg too!!!
I wholly agree that I must be pushed, by my own choice or God's divine intervention, outside of my "comfort zone" and into His purpose. I also believe that nothing, NOTHING, happens by accident, or luck, or coincidence - God's holy plan is at work at every moment. But, can I honestly say that every decision I make, at every moment in my life, is based on biblical principles for the sole purpose of glorifying God?
...I try to understand what Jesus was like and to imitate His ways. I fall short more often than not, but God seems to understand that weakness and encourages me to keep trying, keep improving. That's the relationship part - Him guiding, encouraging, understanding, disciplining, rewarding - all the stuff you'd expect in a true relationship: honesty, joy, disappointment, love.
I, too, seek the genuine relationship that Barna describes. I am more than aware that my human ways will cause disappointment, but I am assured that God's grace will lead me back to His path every time.
At the core of Barna's book is developing a biblical worldview. What exactly does that mean?
A biblical worldview is thinking like Jesus. It is a way to making our faith practical to every situation we face each day. A biblical worldview is a way of dealing with the world such that we act like Jesus twenty-four hours a day because we think like Jesus.
A biblical worldview is a means of experiencing, interpreting, and responding to reality in light of biblical perspective. This life lens provides a personal understanding of every idea, opportunity, and experience based on identification of application of relevant biblical principles and commands.
I have the uncanny sense, and honest observation, that my worldview is not, at the moment, too biblical. But I am guarenteed God's grace, love, protection, and wisdom because "the more we devote ourselves to emulating the thought and behavioral patterns of Jesus, the more God is able to bless us and use us for His purposes."
Can I get an AMEN! for these principles by Barna:
You become what you believe.
Developing a strong Bible-based foundation from which to think and act is the only reliable safeguard against the complete demise of our culture, the loss of meaning and purpose in life, and the rejection of all that God holds dear and significant.
It is never too late to commit yourself to knowing, loving, and serving God more completely.
Barna introduces his readers to seven fundamental questions required to develop a solid, genuine, and doubtless biblical worldview:
Does God exist?
What is the character and nature of God?
How and why was the world created?
What is the nature and purpose of humanity?
What happens after we die on earth?
What spiritual authorities exist?
What is truth?
I leave you with simple instructions: if you want to learn how to develop your personal biblical worldview and answer these seven questions, READ THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!
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