"A Reliable Wife" is one of those books that I would probably have never picked off the shelf if it had not been sitting on the recommended table at Borders and I had a 70-percent-off any one item at regular price coupon. To me, a book that retails for $15.00 and costs me $4.88 is worth the chance.
My favorite line in the entire book comes from Catherine, one of three main characters:
...[Catherine] has lived her life in the hope that...she would find a nice man and a little house, something normal, nothing grand, and she would be industrious and motherly.
Catherine is on a difficult journey; yet, she finds forgiveness and grace.
Life isn't fair, and it can fill you with joy or break your heart, all because of choices we make all because of the unforeseen consequences of actions we take without thinking.
An excellent book and one that I would recommend - with, or without, a coupon!!!