Monday, November 8, 2010

#29: A RELIABLE WIFE - Robert Goolrick

Life has a way of changing and adjusting - mine is no exception. I apologize for the extended absence. While I have not been reading for pleasure as much as I would like, I try to turn as many pages as I can when the opportunities present themselves. Lately, lesson planning and trying to survive this crazy thing called My Life has taken priority!

"A Reliable Wife" is one of those books that I would probably have never picked off the shelf if it had not been sitting on the recommended table at Borders and I had a 70-percent-off any one item at regular price coupon. To me, a book that retails for $15.00 and costs me $4.88 is worth the chance.

My favorite line in the entire book comes from Catherine, one of three main characters:

...[Catherine] has lived her life in the hope that...she would find a nice man and a little house, something normal, nothing grand, and she would be industrious and motherly.

Catherine is on a difficult journey; yet, she finds forgiveness and grace.

Life isn't fair, and it can fill you with joy or break your heart, all because of choices we make all because of the unforeseen consequences of actions we take without thinking.

An excellent book and one that I would recommend - with, or without, a coupon!!!


  1. our book club read this a few yrs ago...I think it got mixed reviews...good enough, but not great. I love my books too!! i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  2. I'm always looking for new books to read. Thanks for the recommendation!!

  3. I've been looking for some great new books -- definitely will have to check this one out!

  4. Glad I found your blog because I have been looking for some good reads in 2013!!

  5. Please read this blog for more about Kisha Jaggers Thanks

  6. I like the cover and historical fiction, so this sounds good!

  7. This sounds like a nice book to read. Worth taking a chance on for sure! Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Have a great rest of the week! :)

  8. always happy to find another book blogger =)
    tea's on at FHC for more book chat - welcome!

  9. I love your blog. Thanks for stopping by to say hello yesterday. I hope to catch up on your blog more at a later date. Yes, we LOVE Cozumel as well and am looking VERY forward to this trip! Have a great rest of the week and enjoy your weekend. :)

  10. I LOVE a good book recommendation! I have been seeing this book in random places lately and your recommendation is just confirmation that I need to purchase and read it ASAP. :)
